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Serving The Greater Fresno Area Since 1970


Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning Blog

Steps to Take When Testing the Humidity in Your Fresno Home

Dry skin and frequent colds are just a few signs there’s a humidity problem in your home. If you’ve also developed a sore throat, then it’s time to test your home for low humidity. In contrast, high humidity can damage your home’s foundation, so it’s important to keep humidity balanced in your home. You can follow these easy steps when testing the humidity in your home.

One of the easiest ways to test for humidity is using ice cubes. Place the ice cubes in an empty glass in the room you want to test. Then, leave the room and come back after three minutes. If water droplets have formed on the outside of the glass, your humidity level is fine. If there are no droplets, this means your room has low humidity, and you should invest in a humidifier. Don’t use this test in the kitchen or bathroom.

To test for high humidity in your home, you should look for wet stains on the walls or ceilings, which are formed when excess vapor in the air condenses. Another sign to look out for is sneezing more frequently when in the home.

You can measure the exact humidity level in your home by using a digital hygrometer. Just carry it into every room in the home, and it will give you an instant humidity reading. You can record all of these readings to compute the average humidity in your home. Then, go outside and calculate the humidity level outside for comparison to determine which service you need in your home.

For more expert advice on testing the humidity in your home and other home-related issues, please contact Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning. We’ve been serving the Fresno area for almost 40 years.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the greater Fresno, California area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).

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